Try out these tips to get your boat ready for summer use.
Now that spring is officially here, it’s time to prepare your boat for the open water. Not sure what checks and maintenance tasks you should complete for your boat? Here are some of the steps that you should take to prepare your boat for its official launch date.
1) It’s important that you have your boat checked by an American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) approved technician to ensure that it is functioning properly and safe to use.
2) Inspect all the safety equipment you keep on your boat, including: fire extinguishers, flares, personal flotation devices, and first-aid kits. Repair, replace, and re-stock as necessary.
3) Check all the lights on your boat to ensure that they are in place and functioning properly.
4) Open the engine compartment to check for excess water in the bilge. Then, check for any electrical issues such as loose, disconnected, or corroded conductors.
5) Check that your boat’s battery is properly secured.
6) Check your boat’s fuel tanks for leaks and ensure that it has proper ventilation. You should also check your fuel filters to make sure that there isn’t any water in them.
7) Fill your fuel tank, check your oil level, and change your oil before starting your boat for the first time.
8) If you will be towing your boat to its launch point, then inspect and complete maintenance on your trailer before you take it out for the first time.
Remember to take these steps to get your boat ready for summer. Want another way to get ready for the summer ahead? Then make sure you have the right boat coverage. To find the right policies to meet your needs, contact the experts at Reata Insurance Group. We are always ready to assist you with your coverage needs.
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